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Who We Are

The Comm Collective is a student-run organization geared towards those interested in all things communications.

We work to pool Fordham's resources and make them more available to our students as well as create our own opportunities and events for members.

Sample events include our speaker series, recruitment events, peer and alumni panels, as well as our student meetings we host weekly. 


The Comm Collective does this through our partnerships with Career Services, the CMS Department, in addition to our own network created through our organization!

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About: About

Our Name

We decided to change the name of the organization from "The CMS Student Engagement Initiative" to The Comm Collective


Why? Well, first the old one was a mouth full to say. It also didn't capture the feel of what we wanted the club to be. It was a little confusing of what the organization was exactly, with a general idea of a concept. As a communication club, we thought about how to best communicate and advertise our brand.

We landed on The Comm Collective, short for The Communications Collective. As a club we hope to bring CMS students together, helping each other learn and create networks around common interests. We want to be not only a school organization but a community which you can utilize resources from beyond your years at Fordham.

About: About
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